Want To Write For Us?

Sorry, we are currently not accepting any articles from independent authors in 2013. This may change in the future and if so this message will be removed.

Malaysia Central accepts independent authors to write for this website. If you love writing and you know information about Malaysia that you would like to share to the world by writing, go ahead and read on.

As an independent author, you can share your part of local Malaysian experience at Malaysia Central. With Malaysia Central’s popularity, you can gain followers and more exposure as an independent writer.

What can you write as an Independent Author?

There are a lot of things to write about Malaysia, read below for some topics for each of Malaysia Central’s sites:

Malaysia Central: Information Directory
You can write about government services, hospitals, cities and towns, historical places, beaches, zoos and parks, shopping complexes, office/commercial buildings, tourist destinations, transportation, entertainment places and many more. It’s difficult to list them all, just ask us to see if your article type/category fits this site.

Malaysia Central: Education Directory
You can write about nurseries, kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, colleges, universities, educational institution, tuition centers, education courses or programs, skilled courses and anything that comes under education.

Malaysia Central: Business Directory (Launching soon)
This is a business directory where every submitted business will have it’s own full business profile page optimized for search engine. If you own a business/company or know of any business/company that would benefit from adding the business details at Malaysia Central.

Malaysia Central: Hotel and Accommodation Directory (Launching soon)
You can write about hotels, backpackers inns, budget hotels, hostels, chalets, resorts, homestay and any type of accommodation services meant for visitors and tourists. Suitable writing for people who have traveled around Malaysia and stayed in many places.

Malaysia Central: Food and Dining Directory (Launching soon)
You can write about all the places to eat in Malaysia, covering restaurants, street hawkers, food court, hotels and other places where good food are found in Malaysia. Suitable writing for people who love going around and trying various Malaysian food.

Malaysia Central: Financial Directory (Launching soon)
You can write about financial management, financial products and other financial articles based on Malaysian economy and financial institution. Suitable writing for people who are in the financial industry, investments, loans, credits, debt management, etc.

Interested in becoming an Independent Author?

If you’re a new independent author, follow these steps:

  1. Email us the topic you are planning to write so that you don’t waste your time if the article is not accepted due to unsuitability for this website.
  2. Make sure you have the article prepared with proper grammar and spelling check done (If using software like Microsoft Word, errors will be underlined so you can correct them).
  3. Make sure you have at least 1 photo related to the article (maximum 3 photo).
  4. Email the article and photo(s) to: Become a guest writer for MalaysiaCentral.com
  5. If accepted, we will then request you for the author profile information and your website link to be included in the article Author Profile Information.
  6. We will issue you an Author ID for reference and then publish your article under your Author Profile.

If you are already an independent author for Malaysia Central, follow these steps:

  1. Email us the topic you are planning to write so that you don’t waste your time if the article is not accepted due to unsuitability for this website.
  2. Make sure you have the article prepared with proper grammar and spelling check done (If using software like Microsoft Word, errors will be underlined so you can correct them).
  3. Make sure you have at least 1 photo related to the article (maximum 3 photo).
  4. Email us the article and photo(s) with the Author ID in the email title to: Become a guest writer for MalaysiaCentral.com
  5. If accepted, we will publish your article under your Author Profile.

Independent Author articles are manually human-checked and published to ensure standardized quality and to avoid unrelated information from being published.

If you have any questions, you’re welcome to contact us at: Become a guest writer for MalaysiaCentral.com