Application For Visa With Reference (China, Vietnam, North Korea and Cuba) – Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia
Visa With Reference (China, Vietnam, North Korea and Cuba) is issued by a Malaysia Foreign Mission/Representative office to non Malaysian citizen to entitle the holder to enter Malaysia prior to the approval given by the Immigration Department of Malaysia head quarters and the State Immigration of Sabah and Sarawak.
Documents needed for Application For Visa With Reference (China, Vietnam, North Korea and Cuba):
- 2 copies of Form Imm.12
- Form Imm.38
- Sponsor’s identification card
- Sponsor’s undertaking letter
- 2 Recent photograph of applicant
- Copy of applicant’s passport
- Correspondence letter with verified interpretation
- Applicant shall be 30 years and above
- Supporting documents of family ties
- Sponsor’s Marriage Certificate
- Copy of notarial Certificate