How to Apply for Normal Registration of Birth in Peninsular?
Learn how to apply for normal registration of birth in Peninsular Malaysia. Normal registration of birth refers to registration that is made within 14 days of the birth of a child in Malaysia.
Application Condition
Application for registration of a child may be submitted by the following persons:
- Parent
- Legal guardian
- Person having knowledge of the birth
- The mother and father of the child (for the registration of births illegitimate child)
Application Procedure
The applicant is required to go to any National Registration Department counter with the required documents.
Required Documents
Child’s Documents (Originals And Copies):
- Birth registration form JPN.LM01 that is completed;
- Confirmation of birth form from the hospital or certification of home birth from the midwife/doctor (original);
- Prenatal card (maternity examination book) (original and copy)
Parent’s Documents (Originals And Copies):
- Identity cards or entry permits or passports of the parents and the person reporting the birth (originals and copies);
- Death Certificate of mother and father of the child (original and copy if applicable)
- Marriage or divorce certificate (originals and copies)
Informant’s Document (Original And Copy):
- Identity card or entry permit or passport (original and copy)
No charge
Where to apply for Normal Registration of Birth in Peninsular?
Check the link below for NRD (JPN) branch details and contact details.
National Registration Department Branches