How to Apply to Insert Name into the Birth Certificate for Child Aged 21 and Above in Peninsular?
Learn how to apply to insert name into the birth certificate for child aged 21 and above in Peninsular Malaysia. Application is to insert the name of a child aged more than 21 years who was registered without a name at birth.
Application Conditions
Application to insert the name for a child over age 21 may be submitted by the following persons:
- Birth Certificate owner;
- Parent;
- Legal guardian
- Spouse of the Birth Certificate owner
Application Procedure
The applicant is required to go to any National Registration Department counter in Peninsular Malaysia with the necessary documents.
Required Documents
- Forms JPN.LM21 and JPN.LM08 that are completed;
- Statutory declaration JPN.LM22.
- Family information forms BMK81 and BMK81A;
- Birth certificate (original and copy);
- Identity cards or identification documents of the applicant and child (originals and copies);
- Letter of guardianship from the Department of Social Welfare (if application is submitted by the child’s guardian) (original and copy);
- Passport or insurance documentation or bank book if the child has a passport or insurance or bank account (original and copy);
- Certification that the child is still schooling, if applicable;
- Statutory declaration from the headman of the area of the child’s residence;
- Any other supporting documents
- Identity card or identification document (original and copy);
- Authorisation letter from the parents for the guardian to submit the application;
- Marriage or divorce or death certificates of parents (original and copy)
- Birth Certificate or identity card, if any (original and copy)
Registration fee: RM2.00
Approval fee: RM 5.00
Birth Certificate extract fee: RM 5.00
Where to apply to Insert Name into the Birth Certificate for Child Aged 21 and Above in Peninsular?
Check the link below for NRD (JPN) branch details and contact details.
National Registration Department Branches