How to go to Jaya33, Section 13, Petaling Jaya, Selangor? Live Area Map, Roads and Directions

Jaya33 is possibly the first Malaysian Hyperoffice that focuses on space and the versatility, potential and flexibility that space offers. This Hyperoffice concept incorporates higher building specifications. High ceilings with more headroom, sturdier floors, better space utilization and ample parking are key to our Hyperoffice. Jaya33 has provided a rare opportunity for tenants to move to a prime building that speaks the language of business.

Located on four acres of prime property bordering Sections 13 & 14, Petaling Jaya, Jaya33 is made up of a five-storey podium block comprising two floors of retail space and a three-level car park. Three towers sit on the podium block, providing a total of built-up area of 300,000 sq.ft.

Jaya 33, Section 13, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Live Area Map and Directions

To get driving direction to Jaya 33, Section 13, Petaling Jaya, click “Get Directions” in the map marker. Choose “from here” or “to here” box and type the other location you are coming from/going to. Click “Go” and you will get the route and direction instructions below the map.

Example: If you are coming from Bangsar to the place marked here, click “Get Directions”, make sure “to here” is selected. Type “Bangsar” and click “Go”.

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