How To Go To Traffic Police (Balai Polis Trafik) Jalan Tun H.S. Lee, Kuala Lumpur? Live Area Map, Roads and Directions

Traffic Police (Balai Polis Trafik) Jalan Tun H.S. Lee is popular among public who wants to settle summons (saman) or to clear their name from the police blacklist (senarai hitam polis).

It is common to see accident victims driving or towing their car to this police station for police report photography and inspection.

You can take Putra LRT to Pasar Seni LRT station. Then it is just a short walking distance to Traffic Police (Balai Polis Trafik) Jalan Tun H.S. Lee.

Traffic Police (Balai Polis Trafik) Jalan Tun H.S. Lee, Kuala Lumpur Live Area Map and Directions

To get driving direction to Traffic Police (Balai Polis Trafik) Jalan Tun H.S. Lee Kuala Lumpur, click “Directions” in the map marker. Fill up point “A” and “B” box below the map. Click “Get Directions” and you will get the route and direction instructions below the map.

Example: If you are coming from Bangsar to the place marked here, click “Directions”, there are point “A” and “B” destination box below the map. Type “Bangsar” in point “A” box and click “Go”.

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