Pay Summons at POS Malaysia – Get 50% Discount For Malaysia Traffic Summons (Saman Trafik)

Due to the recent overwhelming response from Malaysian public rushing to pay their outstanding summons online, became overloaded and started to slow down. The people at are increasing their server capability to cater for the increase in people planning to pay their traffic summons online.

Not many Malaysians know that PDRM traffic summons can also be paid over the counter at POS Malaysia.

How do you pay PDRM/traffic police summons at POS Malaysia:

  1. Take a queue number
  2. Show your identification card (Malaysian NRIC)
  3. You will be told the summon amount after the discount
  4. You pay the summon amount and make sure you get receipt for your summon (There will be 1 receipt for 1 summon. If you have 3 summons, make sure you get 3 receipts)
  5. And keep the receipts safely for future reference!

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