When Do You Deal With Malaysia Immigration Enforcement Division? Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia
Functions of Malaysia Immigration Enforcement Division:
- Enforcement of the Immigration Act 1959/63 (Act 155), Passport Act 1966 (Act 150), Immigration Regulations 1963 and the Anti-Trafficking in Persons and Anti-Smuggling of Migrants Act 2007 (Act 670).
- Perform operation and arrest/rescue, conduct investigations, prosecution, manage compound and deportation / repatriation of detention.
When you need to deal with the Malaysia Immigration Enforcement Division?
You can deal with the Malaysia Immigration Enforcement Division if:
- Staying in Malaysia exceeded the approved period limit;
- You do not have a valid pass or permit to stay in Malaysia;
- Loss of passport / travel document in Malaysia;
- Still in Malaysia after a pass or permit revoked by the Director General of Immigration, Malaysia;
- Having in possession of any entry permit, pass or certificate that the document is false or altered or are involved in the making, falsify or alter an endorsement or document;
- Working or doing activities that are contrary to the conditions of the issuance of a pass or permit;
- You are among those who are deemed by the Director General of Immigration, Malaysia as prohibited immigrants;
- Involved in trafficking in persons or smuggling of migrants;
- Involved as a guardian/employer hiring/consent illegal immigrant in the premise;
- Having a Child/Child of a foreigner born in Malaysia and failed to show a valid pass or permit to stay in Malaysia.
- The involvement of the guardian / employer hiring / consent illegal immigrant in the premise;
- Involvement in trafficking in person or smuggling of migrant;
- Involvement in the making, falsify or alter an endorsement or document;
- Have information regarding any offence involving illegal immigrants, trafficking in persons or smuggling of migrants and wanted to make a complaint.
Contact Details of Malaysia Immigration Enforcement Division
Division : Enforcement
Address : Malaysia Immigration Department Headquarters
Level 4 (PODIUM)
No 15, Persiaran Perdana, Precinct 2
62550 Putrajaya Federal Territory
Phone no. : 03-88801298
Fax no. : 03-88801310
Source: http://www.imi.gov.my/index.php/en/enforcement