Educational Facilities for children of Expatriate Officers – Immigration Facilities For Dependants Of Expatriate – Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia

Educational Facilities for children of Expatriate Officers

Who are eligible?

  • Children of Expatriate Officers who are below 18 years and below
  • Holder of Dependant Pass who have been given approval prior to apply for a Student Pass

Requirements for Educational Facilities for children of Expatriate Officers

  • Studying in a school or an institution which is recognized by the Government.
  • Fulfilling all requirements of a Student Pass application.

Supporting documents for application

  • Covering letter and authority letter from the company.
  • Letter of confirmation from the Institute of Higher Learning/Secondary School/Primarily School/Pre-schooling
  • Passport copies of Expatriate Officer and Dependants (Student)
  • Student’s Personal Data Form
  • Other relevant documents

Fees Charged for Educational Facilities for children of Expatriate Officers

